Broker Disclaimer

All of the information about businesses for sale represented by Pacific Business Sales and in the Offering Memorandums (OM) is provided by the SELLER, or other sources identified by SELLER, and is not verified in any way by Pacific Business Sales (PBS or BROKER) and Grunau, Inc. BROKER has no knowledge of the accuracy of ANY information provided about businesses for sale represented by PBS and makes no representation, promise, or warranty, express, or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any such information. BROKER has received information about the Business from the SELLER that may include, but is not limited to, tax returns, financial statements, equipment lists, and facility leases. Based on the information provided by the SELLER, BROKER has prepared a summary description of the business which includes historical recast financial statements with Discretionary Earnings and projected financials statements with Discretionary Earnings from the SELLER’s information.

BROKER does not audit or verify any information given to BROKER or make any warranty or representation to its accuracy or completeness, nor in any way guarantee future business performance. BUYER is solely responsible to examine and investigate the Business, its assets, liabilities, financial statements, tax returns, and other facts, which might influence BUYER’s purchase decision, or the price BUYER is willing to pay. Any decision by BUYER to purchase the Business shall be based solely on that of the BUYER’s legal, tax, and other advisors and not that of the BROKER. BUYER shall be responsible to make an independent verification of said information during Due Diligence and prior to completing the purchase of the business. BUYER further understands and agrees that BROKER shall NOT be responsible for the failure to disclose material information related to the purchase of any business which information is unknown to BROKER. BUYER agrees to indemnify and hold BROKER and its agents harmless for any claims or damages which may occur by reason of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of any information provided to them with respect to any business they might purchase.

Buyer is responsible for conducting their own due diligence and analysis of the business and the information presented on this website and/or Offering Memorandum.