Filtered by: business valuation

Is Now a Good Time To Sell Or Buy A Business

Is Now a Good Time To Sell Or Buy A Business

How will the 2024 economy affect small businesses and the M&A market? updated July 26th, 2024 Projections from top economists for the US economy in the second half of 2024…

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Understanding Seller Business Valuations in California: A Guide

Understanding Seller Business Valuations in California: A Guide

When thinking about “How to sell my business in California”, the first step in preparing to sell your business is to seek out a seller's business valuation. This guide will…

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Preparing to Sell Your Business: Cleaning Up Financial Statements

Preparing to Sell Your Business: Cleaning Up Financial Statements

When the time comes time to sell your business or when you are preparing to sell your business, it is important to have your company’s financial records and statements up…

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Insights into Quality of Earnings (QofE): A Seller’s Guide to Maximizing Value and Mitigating Risks

Insights into Quality of Earnings (QofE): A Seller’s Guide to Maximizing Value and Mitigating Risks

In the intricate realm of merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions, the spotlight falls squarely on the importance of Quality of Earnings (QofE) due diligence, particularly from the seller's perspective. It…

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What is the Value of My Business: Exploring Business Valuation for Selling Your Business

What is the Value of My Business: Exploring Business Valuation for Selling Your Business

For business owners, understanding how much your business is worth, or business valuation, is a crucial piece of information for planning for the eventual sale of your business. Knowing this…

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Understanding Business Exit Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide for Entrepreneurs

Understanding Business Exit Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide for Entrepreneurs

Building and growing your business is a significant part of your entrepreneurial career. However, there may come a time when you want to step back. Maybe it's time to retire…

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Minimizing Taxes without Adversely Affecting Business Value

Minimizing Taxes without Adversely Affecting Business Value

As business brokers, we work with a variety of business owners selling their businesses; and in the course of working with them, we have found a number of common misconceptions…

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Why 2021 is a Great Time to Sell Your Business & Why You Shouldn’t Wait

Why 2021 is a Great Time to Sell Your Business & Why You Shouldn’t Wait

The UCLA Anderson Economic Forecast for 2021 is looking very promising with projected GDP growth roaring back in the second quarter of 2021.  California is expected to have higher growth than…

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Should I Pay Upfront Fees to Sell My Business?

Should I Pay Upfront Fees to Sell My Business?

The short answer is NO!  At Pacific Business Sales we do not charge any upfront fees on transactions less than $25 million in revenue.  We prepare a comprehensive free Market Value Analysis…

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How to Buy a Business with a Business Broker

How to Buy a Business with a Business Broker

Are you thinking about buying a business to build your future, gain personal freedom and independence but not sure where and how to start?  How do you get started and…

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The Other Side of COVID-19, How Do I Sell My Business after a Pandemic?

The Other Side of COVID-19, How Do I Sell My Business after a Pandemic?

COVID19 has clearly thrown a wrench into the plans of business owners that were preparing to sell their business, or has it?   Businesses that were forced to shut down during…

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